The story below is part of a collection of ten erotic, romantic short stories on the edge of exhibitionism. An amuse tush, if you will, for mature (age 18+) audiences only.
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Our headlights extended over the dusty flats, a dry, cracked plain where even shrubbery refused to grow. A soft breeze filled the car as he stopped the engine and rolled down the windows. Darkness poured into the cabin as the air settled around us, the desert quickly forgetting our intrusion.
“Do you have any more questions?” he asked.
I ran my fingers down the hair framing my face, a fluttery gesture betraying my nerves. “Nothing that we haven’t already covered.”
He looked me up and down, his gaze brimming with a hunger that inspired goosebumps up my arms. His voice was low and thick when he spoke again. “Then you’ve got sixty seconds.”
I giggled – a reflex – then stilled. “Oh. Now?”
He unbuckled his seatbelt. “Fifty-five seconds.”
My heart shot to my throat and I fumbled with my seatbelt. I caught a sly smile on his lips before I kicked open the door and scrambled out of my seat.
The desert air was cool but I was burning up inside, an engine that propelled me to start running without thinking into the flat expanse before us.
I didn’t get far before the headlights turned off. In my sudden blindness, I stumbled and tripped over the hem of my skirt, falling forward with a grunt. For a second, as I propped myself up in the dust, the night stood still and silent. Along with the lights of the highway in the distance, the stars started blinking into view overhead.
I heard the crunch of feet hitting the ground followed by a car door slamming shut, the sound setting me off like a shot.
I scurried to my feet and into a sprint, my breath burning in my chest and beating in my ears. My boots fell heavy on the dirt and I wondered whether I could actually outrun him.
I looked back to see how much distance I’d put between us, only to see that he was close on my tail, far closer than I’d anticipated, running low and fast and straight for me. I yelped and pushed harder, pumping my arms and legs, sweat running down my brow. I wasn’t about to make this easy for him if I could help it – and he wasn’t about to make it easy for me.
But my boots weren’t made for running. Neither was the skirt bunching between my legs. Another glance over my shoulder and I saw that he was just a few strides behind me, but my legs couldn’t push anymore. My breath had taken me to my limit. I cried out at the inevitable as his footsteps came up hard and fast behind me, the force of his body knocking the breath out of me and sweeping me off my feet.
He was warm and solid as we slid to the ground, his arms wound tightly around my shoulders. Despite the violence of our collision, I felt cradled by the maneuver.
But that softness didn’t last long. As soon as he was on me, he bit my shoulder. I bucked him off and crawled out of his reach, but he was on me again before I got far. This time, he flattened me to the ground with his full weight bearing down on me.
I squirmed and cried out from under him. He leaned in close over my ear as his hand traveled up into my hair, gripping the base of my head with authority.
“Go ahead, scream as much as you want.” His hot breath brushed the nape of my neck. “No one’s going to hear you out here.”
I groaned as he forced his knee between mine and spread apart my legs, yanked my skirt up my thighs, and exposed my bare ass. He smacked me hard on one cheek then plunged his fingers inside of me. I had just enough presence of mind to stop myself from braying like a wild animal as I arched my hips.
“Look at you,” he muttered. “So wet and ready to be taken.”
He tugged down my skirt, the fabric brushing against my cheek, still smarting. I thrashed as he flipped me onto my back, not because I was in any position to escape or even wanted to – I was so turned on, my pussy was aching for him to penetrate me. He straddled my hips, trapped one of my arms with the side of his body, and held down my other hand.
“That’s cute,” he purred, nipping at my ear. “You can keep trying if you want. It won’t make any difference in what happens to you.”
I cursed, delirious with desire, as he pulled down his shorts, leaned over me, and popped open the buttons of my blouse. He covered my throat with his hand, gripping and tightening until I gasped and clutched at him, while he feasted on my breasts, sucking and nibbling on my nipples. He loomed over me and pinned me with his gaze. “Look at me.”
He thrust into me with a groan and my hips rose to meet him, trying to get him as deep as possible into my soaking, greedy pussy. The stars sparkled overhead as he folded my legs back toward my shoulders and braced me down with his arms, my heels splayed to the sky, bringing him impossibly deep inside me, thick and full.
He buried his head beside mine, his breath hitting my ear as he pounded me into the ground over and over again. I bit into his shoulder as I came. He growled as his climax followed mine, his cock throbbing as he spent himself in my womb.
The dust came to rest as we caught our breaths, our chest heaving against each other.
I was the first to speak. “That was incredibly hot.”
He lifted himself onto his elbows on either side of my head. “You’re telling me.”
Gingerly he withdrew and rolled onto his back next to me, gathering me up to his chest. “You okay? I saw you take a spill.”
I nodded. “Just a skinned knee.”
As my eyes adjusted, the Milky Way came into focus over the top of the big night sky. Soon, the desert turned cold and began to nip at our bones. He stirred first. “As much as I enjoyed this, I don’t know how long I’ll be in good enough shape to pull it off again.”
I laughed as he helped me to my feet. “It is a pretty high-impact activity, even more than our usual fare. I don’t know how long our joints would be able to take it.”
He grinned and took my hand as we walked back to the car, the highway lights beckoning us homeward.