Sexy Shorts: On the Edge

Sexy Shorts: On the Edge

A collection of ten erotic, romantic short stories on the edge of exhibitionism. An amuse tush, if you will, for mature (age 18+) audiences only.

Each story stands on its own and can be read independently, exploring almost public sexy encounters. The first 3 stories are available to read for free. The complete collection includes 10 sexy short stories:

Up the Stairs | On the Beach | In the Desert | In the Car | At the Reception | In the Woods | At the Resort | On the Balcony | In the Garden | On a Boat

Sale Price: FREE $1.99

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Preview: Sexy Shorts

Below, you can read the first 3 out of 10 sexy short stories from the full collection.

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Up The Stairs, A Sexy Short Story Up the Stairs, a Sexy Short Story He followed me up the stairs after I excused myself from the bar. The communication between us was less unspoken signal and more trigger and effect, all of our touch-and-go glances building in anticipation of this opportunity. He must have waited all but thirty seconds before falling on my trail, weaving through the happy hour crowd as I had just ...
At the Beach Sexy Short Story Erotica On the Beach, a Sexy Short Story “You really come prepared,” he said as I stabbed a tent stake into the sand. He loitered in his flip-flops, looking unsure of what to do with himself despite nailing the beach day look. Over his trunks, he wore a crisp white shirt that fluttered in the wind, allowing peekaboo glimpses of his skin, glistening with a hint of sweat ...
In the Desert, a Sexy Short Story In the Desert, a Sexy Short Story Our headlights extended over the dusty flats, a dry, cracked plain where even shrubbery refused to grow. A soft breeze filled the car as he stopped the engine and rolled down the windows. Darkness poured into the cabin as the air settled around us, the desert quickly forgetting our intrusion. “Do you have any more questions?” he asked. I ran ...